Computer Programming 1 Lab




  • Quick Sort
  • Linked List
  • Exercise 10
  • Homework

Quick Sort

Quick Sort

Your Sort ?

#define N 10

int array[N];
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
        if(array[i] > array[j])
            swap(array[i], array[j]);

Quick Sort

How to use

  • you need to #include
    #define N 10
    int main(void){
        int array[N];
        // Only one line !!! 
        qsort((void *)array, N, sizeof(int), compare);

Quick Sort

Compare Function

  • you need to #include
    int compare(const void *a, const void *b){
        int A = *(int *)a;
        int B = *(int *)b;
        if(A < B)
            return -1; //傳回 -1 代表 a < b
        else if(A == B)
            return 0; //傳回 0 代表 a = b
            return 1; //傳回 1 代表 a > b

Quick Sort

Compare Function

  • you need to #include
    #define N 10
    int compare(const void *a, const void *b){
        int A = *(int *)a;
        int B = *(int *)b;
        // Oh !!!
        return A - B;
    int main(void){
        int array[N];
        qsort((void *)array, N, sizeof(int), compare);

Quick Sort

Compare Function

  • you need to #include
    #define N 10
    int compare(const void *a, const void *b){
        // Oh my Jesus
        return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;
    int main(void){
        int array[N];
        qsort((void *)array, N, sizeof(int), compare);

Quick Sort

Quick Sort in String

#define N 10

int cmp(const void *a, const void *b){
    return strcmp((char *)a, (char *)b);

int main(void){
    char Dic[N][20];
    qsort((void *)Dic, N, sizeof(Dic[0]), cmp);

Quick Sort

Quick Sort in Struct

#define N 10
typedef struct pikachu{
    int Attack;
    int Defense;
} Pikachu;

int cmp(const void *a, const void *b){
    Pikachu A = *(Pikachu *)a;
    Pikachu B = *(Pikachu *)b;
    return A.attack - B.attack;

int main(void){
    Pikachu Pikachus[N];
    qsort((void *)Pikachus, N, sizeof(Pikachus[0]), cmp);

vim h:600 center

Linked List

vim h:500 center

Linked List

Node 節點

  • 構成串列的最小單位
    typedef struct node Node;
    struct node{
        int value;
        Node *next;

Linked List

typedef struct node Node;

struct node{
    int value;
    Node *next;

Node head;

int main(void){
    // create a node
    Node *tmp = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    tmp -> value = 10;
    tmp -> next = NULL;
    // add first node
    head->next = tmp;
    // clear

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

vim h:600 center

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Exercise 10

Pokemon GO

  • Input:
  • Output:
    請輸出排序過後的神奇寶貝資料,詳細格式請見 OJ


  • 聽說有一款比神來也麻將還好玩的手遊叫神魔之塔,大家有興趣可以去玩看看

Any Question?